Monday, March 23, 2015

ART211 Blog #7 Electronics in the audiovisual world

Last class, we spent most of the time watching different types of live performance art, such as stop action films, and time lapse videos. The most important thing I took away from these videos was that it truly was art. Before having any knowledge of these art forms, I assumed these were just your average videos and needed only a small amount of knowledge to perform. I now have a much higher respect for these types of artists, seeing how many frames these people used in their videos, meant numerous days of footage as well as editing to create the exact mood/feeling of the video.

I truly enjoyed the stop-action video we watched in class of the buildings in the city. The way the artist was able to convey the scenery and make the 5 minute video so fluid is amazing. One couldn't blatantly  tell that it must have taken years and years if practice and experience to perform/create such a unique masterpiece.

The TI994A is was a Texas Instrument that was made for early home-based computer activities. It can first hit the assembly line in 1981 and was sold at 525 dollars. There was an updated/newer version of the TI994 model but that had been a failure. It featured an additional graphic mode, inclduing lowercase characters, and a full travel keyboard. The TI994A came with an array of games, that were new and fun but back thens standards. It had many awesome features and extra applications that allowed more buyers to become fascinated and intrigued by this and otherTexas Instruments.

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